Moravian Falls Elementary School

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MFES Student Handbook » Attendance




Students are expected to be present and punctual for all classes throughout the year.  When a student returns to school following an absence, parents/guardians or physician should send a note to the classroom teacher stating the reason for the absence within 3 days.  If the student fails to bring a note, the absence will be marked unexcused.  According to NC state statute, parents will be sent a letter when a student has three, six, and ten UNEXCUSED absences.  If a student has more than ten total absences, a conference is required with the school attendance committee. WCPS Board Policy states that students may be retained if 10 or more absences occur within the school year.  Front Office personnel, school counselor, nurse, school social worker, or teacher will call parents when there are questions or concerns about a student’s absences.  Students and their parents are responsible for knowing the attendance policy.
Regular attendance is essential to a student’s success in school.  Most subjects are taught in sequence requiring the understanding of each concept in the order of its presentation.  Persistent absenteeism creates a genuine hardship for a student and is regarded as a very serious problem.
The following circumstances are the only lawful reasons for school absence: 
The Wilkes County Board of Education shall excuse the temporary absence of a student upon showing satisfactory evidence of one of the following bases:
  1. Illness or injury 
  2. Quarantine
  3. Medical or dental appointment
  4. Court or administrative proceeding
  5. Death in the immediate family
  6. Religious observance
     (Refer to WCS Attendance Policy)   
A student must be present at least ½ of the instructional day to be counted as present. The importance of prompt and regular attendance cannot be too greatly emphasized. A good attendance record is related to high student achievement.
Tardies are disruptive to the instructional day. A student is tardy if he/she is not in the classroom, seated, and ready to begin morning work by school start time. Tardies are noted on your child’s record.  Each instance when a student is late to school or checks out of school early, whether the student returns to school or not, is counted as a tardy.  Tardies are coded as excused or unexcused based on the same criteria as an excused absence.  Three (3) unexcused tardies shall constitute one (1) unexcused absence.  It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to get the student to school on time and to make sure that he/she is not tardy.  All parents residing in the Moravian Falls School District qualify for free bus transportation for their children.