Moravian Falls Elementary School is committed to providing each student with the academic, social, and emotional skills for success in life. We understand that our families, school staff, and community work together to facilitate this success. Our Title One Parent and Family Engagement Plans shows how we plan to accomplish this task.
Policy Involvement
- Annual Title I Public Meeting
Moravian Falls Elementary School will host an annual public meeting for all parents and staff members. This meeting is to inform parents about their rights under the law and to provide them with the information that will allow them to be fully active in their child’s education. This meeting will be held in conjunction with our school’s Annual Back to School Open House Evening. An additional meeting will be held the following morning at 8:30 am, upon request, for those unable to attend. An interpreter will be available, upon request. This meeting will also provide parents an opportunity to review the school’s Title One funding and resource allocation plans as well as the School-Parent-Student Compact. Parents will be asked for feedback and recommendations to the Compact and yearly Title One resource allocation. Parents will also be asked for recommendations of future dates and times to meet throughout the year.
- Flexible Meetings
Each parent meeting will be held at two different times to make it more convenient for parents to attend. The information shared at the Annual Public meeting will also be shared with parents of new students as they enroll and will be included in the monthly school-wide Title One Parent Liaison Newsletter in both English and Spanish for parents who may not be able to attend. Our school’s Title One Parent Liaison will also be available, by appointment, to assist parents with information related to our school’s Parent and Family Engagement Plan. An interpreter is available, upon parent request.
- Involving Parents in an Organized, Ongoing, and Timely Way
Progress reports will be provided to parents three times during each quarter. Strategies to support parents in each curricular area to help their child be successful, as well as information on state curriculum standards, assessments, and achievement levels will be shared in the Parent Liaison’s monthly newsletter and at teachers’ quarterly class awards presentations. Parents will be asked for their feedback, suggestions, and recommendations at all meetings.
- Timely Information
Parents will receive information on a regular basis in both English and Spanish through class and school DOJO messages, monthly class newsletters, School Messenger calls, quarterly report cards, Title One Parent Liaison Newsletters, and through additional events scheduled throughout the school year. In addition, parents’ questions and concerns can be addressed at any time by contacting the school’s parent liaison or principal.
- Opportunities for Regular Meetings
Parent meetings will be held throughout the school year, which gives parents a chance to be actively involved in their child’s education. A parent survey will be developed and distributed. Parent conferences are scheduled at a time available to parents. Interpreters are available, upon parent request. Parents are given a chance to offer feedback on an annual basis; however, parents are encouraged to offer continuous feedback at any school level meeting or event. Each meeting is documented with an agenda, sign-in sheet and minutes.
- Providing for Parent Comments
The Title One Parent and Family Engagement Policy is reviewed throughout the school year and any concerns will be submitted to the district office. Parents will be asked for their comments and suggestions regarding the compact as well. An annual survey of parent/school issues will be conducted.
- School-Parent-Student Compact
The School-Parent-Student Compact is a communication tool to support achievement for parents, school staff and students. The Compact is an agreement on how each person (and the student) will support each other in ensuring that the student is successful. The Compact is developed and/or reviewed at the Annual Public Meeting, and is reviewed at other meetings throughout the school year. Parents are asked for comments regarding the Compact. A roster of signed Compacts is filed in each teacher’s room.
The school's Parent Liaison is Lisa Barnett, and she can be reached at 336-838-4077.