Students in grades 2-5 (some students in 1st grade who show sufficient academic achievement might be asked to participate in the program) will participate in our school’s Accelerated Reader program on a quarterly basis. The Accelerated Reader program measures students’ reading comprehension progress and assigns points based on level of text difficulty. The Accelerated Reader program is student-driven and teacher-guided. Personalized goals help students stay focused on the factors that matter most for reading growth—and help the teacher monitor their progress and provide feedback to keep learners on track. Individual reading recommendations use students’ interests and reading levels to suggest “just-right” titles—or students can self-select from over 220,000 choices. “Just reading” transforms into high-quality reading practice that fuels growth: Reading quizzes monitor comprehension, while literacy skills and vocabulary quizzes extend student learning and build skills mastery. Detailed reports provide insights into students’ progress. Paired with Renaissance Star Reading®, track students’ mastery of focus skills aligned to state-specific learning standards. Our school’s Literacy Committee holds a special reward for students who meet their quarterly AR goal. Students who successfully meet their AR goal for the entire school year (all 4 quarters) will also receive a special end of year reward as determined by the school’s Literacy Committee. In the event that a student “cheats” on an AR test, provides another student with answers to questions on an AR test, or takes an AR test for another student, the immediate consequence is loss of the quarterly reward and removal of any AR point credit for the test for all students involved in the incident. The student(s) would also be disqualified from the end-of-year AR reward. This disqualification applies to any instance of AR cheating, whether the student cheated by receiving answers from another student or by providing answers to or on behalf of another student in order to help them cheat.